Photography has always been a fun, unique way for me to capture the essence of life - journalistically and recreationally. A photo can be an important tool in bringing a sense of emotional connection to the audience that intrigues them to learn more.
Below are some samples of my work.

IMAGINATION'S EYE - The view point of the lens turret through the glass filter to the Westbrook Cinema 4 movie screen. From the projection booth of theater hall one, this image is one of many I took during a photo project for my Photo Journalism class. This particular Simplex projector and sound head runs at 1000 watts.

CANDY CRAZE - During my photo shoot of Westbrook Cinema 4 I noticed a reversed box of Buncha Crunch in the candy shelves that made for a creative snapshot.

'EXTRA BUTTER WITH THAT?' - Westbrook Cinema 4 cast member Tracy Case fills out a customer's order of medium popcorn from the theater's new popcorn machine. The warm glow from the popper helps to capture the experience for customers that food at Westbrook is always made fresh and ready to eat.

TIME FOR HARRY - Preparing for the week's new movies, cast member Dianna Beachum changes out the poster cases to display the upcoming film, "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince." Taken during my photo shoot of Westbrook Cinema 4, I particularly loved the glow of the poster on Di and the reflection off of her glasses.

NEW-N-READY - Little Caesar's employees Janna Cox and Mike Reynolds hit the sidewalk, advertising their fastest selling deal, the Hot-N-Ready large pizza for $5.55. The new business opened last week on 1725 University Ave. (I really enjoyed writing this headline.)
FERRETY FUN - Getting creative on a feature photo project for my Photo Journalism class, I got this shot of my brother's pet ferret, Link during a spring day in the Grove.

JUST 'FUR'IOUS - In this photo, Link gets a little up-close and personal.

FROM THE OCEAN BREEZE - The setting of my camera lens and the mood of the moment makes this one of my favorite photos. Taken while on a cruise, this photo was featured in the University of Mississippi undergraduate literary magazine,

STAND ALONE - On an outstretch of rock I saw a sinle bush standing alone upon the edge of the Grand Canyon. It was more than just a photo op. It was an image of adversity. This photo was featured in the University of Mississippi undergraduate literary magazine,

Recently retired mayor of Oxford, Richard Howorth reflects on the changes that have shaped the city during the past eight years. The program honoring Howorth was held at the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics. The photo was taken while on assignment.

Photo Journalism student Dawn Jeter works on her speaker photo assignment at the Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics' Richard Howorth program, reflecting his eight years as Oxford's mayor.

University of Mississippi Physical Plant worker Ed Riley stuffs pine straw into the flower beds in front of the Law Center. Every February, the university unloads over 2,300 bails of straw across the grounds to help keep the campus one of the most beautiful in the South.

INTO THE WEST - A photo I took of Laguna Beach, Cali. as the sun begins to set across the Pacific. One of the elements I try to capture in sunset photography is a deeper story than just the sun itself. In this, you see a bird and a sailboat drifting towards the sun. The title of this photo is in tribute to the song of the same name which is sung by Annie Lennox for the "Return of the King" soundtrack.